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Energy Recovery Ventilators in Columbia, SC by Fulmer Heating & Cooling

The name may take you by surprise. “Energy recovery ventilators” sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. But in point of fact, energy recovery ventilators, or ERVs as they are known in the business, can have a huge impact on the efficiency of your household heating and cooling system. Considering how hot our summers get in Columbia, SC, and how chilly the temperatures can get in the winter an ERV can make a huge difference in the cost and efficiency of keeping your home comfortable.

And that’s where we come in. At Fulmer Heating & Cooling, our trained experts can fill you in on all the advantages of an energy recovery ventilators, then install one in your attic with the professionalism and care you’d expect. More than that, we can keep it maintained over its lifetime and perform repairs when you need them. Contact us today to get the process started and let us show you what we can do!

Trust Fulmer Heating & Cooling to install, repair and maintain energy recovery ventilators in Columbia, SC.

How Do ERVs Work?

The system itself is fairly simple to understand. An energy recovery ventilator is placed in your attic or similar location in the upper stories of your home. It consists of two ducts with fans attached: one blows stale air out of your home and one pulls fresh outside air into your home. The two ducts never cross paths, but at the center of them, between them both, sits a heat exchanger, which transfers the temperature from one to the other. As a result, your air is constantly refreshed without losing the carefully controlled temperature that your heater or air conditioner has been working so hard on.

How Do ERVs Benefit You?

So why would a home benefit from such an installation? Most importantly, it improves the efficiency of your heating and air conditioning a great deal. Your system isn’t constantly having to refresh the temperature as the air grows stale, and estimates have placed the attendant savings at up to 40% or more depending on your usage. That reduction in energy costs comes with an attendant reduction in stress and strain on the system, which means fewer repair calls and a longer lifespan. Finally, with the mugginess of our Columbia, SC summers and propensity for viruses and colds in the winter, an ERV installed by Fulmer Heating & Cooling can keep indoor air quality high, without losing the temperature specifics your household needs.

Call on Fulmer Heating & Cooling to Do the Job Right

An ERV can bring a huge number of benefits to your Columbia, SC home, but you need a trained technician to install the unit, as well as checking up on it to make sure it’s running correctly, and repairing it quickly and effectively when there’s a problem. For all of those things, you can turn to the experts at Fulmer Heating & Cooling to do the job right. We’ve been in business for over a quarter or a century and our trained staff has the skills and experience you expect to handle all aspects of ERV installation and maintenance. If your house could use a break from high energy bills, then contact our friendly staff today. We guarantee you’ll be glad you did!