Fulmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘HVAC repair’

Is It Your HVAC System or Your Thermostat?

Monday, December 25th, 2023

There are some obvious things that prompt someone to call for HVAC Repair in Columbia, SC. An air conditioner that won’t blow cold air, a heat pump that won’t switch modes, and a heater that won’t power at all are just a few. 

But there are some less-obvious issues that leave homeowners perplexed as to what’s going on. Sometimes the issue isn’t with your HVAC system—it’s the thermostat that’s causing trouble. Here are some examples of when a thermostat is the culprit behind some common—and not-so-common—HVAC issues. If you’ve also noticed unusual noises from your system, check out noises that you don’t want to hear from your heater for more insights.

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