Fulmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating’

Furnaces Prefer Fresh Filters

Monday, February 26th, 2018

furnace-technicianOkay, so your furnace doesn’t really feel strongly about anything, what with it being an inanimate object and all.  That being said, your furnace does need a fresh air filter,  even if it lacks the cognitive awareness to truly prefer one. In fact, leaving a dirty air filter in your furnace is one of the very worst things that you can do for your system! Sure, it may be a relatively minor maintenance task, but that does not make it any less vital.

Air filters play a very important role in the furnace—and, truth be told, in any forced air heating system. A very dirty air filter in your furnace in Columbia, SC can result in a number of different problems, and those problems can really start to snowball the longer that you leave that dirty air filter in place. Air filters are cheap and easy to change out, so don’t let a dirty air filter cause the following furnace problems in your home!

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What Causes HVAC Systems to Fail?

Monday, February 12th, 2018

AC-technicianThere are some, shall we say, less than reputable companies out there that may use their blog space to make wild claims aimed at luring customers to them with promises that they simply cannot keep. You don’t get that when you read our posts, of course, which is why you will never see us claiming to have any secrets or offering any services that will keep your HVAC system running indefinitely. Yes, with our professional installations and exceptional maintenance services we can keep your systems operating as reliably as possible.

However, no HVAC system is going to last forever. Even those systems that are well-maintained and manufactured by the best companies in the industry have finite lifespans. When it comes to HVAC replacement, we’re talking about “when,” not “if”. Working with professionals of the caliber that we have on our team will help you to get the most of your system. Eventually, though, you’ll be getting in touch with our Lexington, SC HVAC professionals to replace your system.

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What Does HVAC Maintenance Entail?

Monday, January 29th, 2018

man-on-couch-with-fanWhen it comes to keeping your heating and air conditioning systems in great working condition, there is nothing that can compare with routine HVAC maintenance. Your HVAC systems are going to be doing a lot of work over the course of the year, and that means that they must receive annual maintenance in order to address the general wear and tear that they accrue as a result. It is vital that you schedule this service with qualified Lexington, SC HVAC maintenance professionals.

There are a few maintenance tasks that you can handle on your own, including the changing of your air filter. By and large, however, routine maintenance is a job that only trained HVAC technicians can handle. It more complex than many people realize at first, and attempting to complete your own maintenance will, at best, leave you with a system that has not been tuned up properly. At worst, you may wind up doing damage to the equipment that you rely on.

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Common Signs That Heating Repairs Are Needed

Monday, January 15th, 2018

playing-with-dogLiving in South Carolina means that you enjoy relatively mild winters. We don’t have to worry about getting up an hour early in the morning to shovel our cars out, and we don’t have to worry about our pipes freezing and bursting due to continuous sub-freezing temperatures. So our heaters are not really all that important, right? Got ya! No, our winter season may not be all that extreme, but that does not mean that you can afford to underestimate just how important your heater is in the grand scheme of things.

It gets plenty cold enough around here to necessitate the regular use of our heaters during the winter season, even those temperatures may not have a negative sign in front of them. That is why it is so important to keep our heaters in great working condition. Scheduling routine maintenance will help to do so, but there is no way to make any heater 100% reliable. That is why you need to swiftly recognize the need for heating repairs in Columbia, SC.

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How Prompt Heating Repairs Benefit You

Monday, January 1st, 2018

cold-manAs much as we’d love to tell you otherwise, you’ll need to have your heater repaired at some point. There is simply no such thing as a 100% reliable heater. By investing in quality equipment and scheduling routine heating maintenance, you can expect a great and dependable performance from your heater. If and when you do run into trouble,  though, you need to schedule heating repairs promptly. The longer that you wait to do so, the worse off your system will be.

Today, we are going to discuss the reasons why prompt heating repairs in Columbia, SC are so important. If your heater is not functioning properly, don’t wait for the problem to get worse before giving us a call. Our team is here to help get your heater back on track as soon as possible. Winters may not be too extreme around here,  but you still deserve to be comfortable at all times in your own home.

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Simple Tips for Improved HVAC Efficiency

Monday, December 18th, 2017

money-savingAre you sick and tired of pausing every time you want to adjust the temperature at your thermostat, just because you know that your energy costs may wind up higher than you’d like? We believe that you should not have to choose between your own comfort and your budget. We also understand, however, that there is no way to heat or cool your home for free. The more that you use your system, the more it will cost. So what is the budget-conscious homeowner to do?

That is precisely what we are here to discuss today. Our team has some tips to share with you that will help you to enjoy better efficiency from your HVAC systems. We are not going to suggest that you go out with money that you don’t have to upgrade to a high-efficiency system that you cannot afford, either. While doing so will certainly boost efficiency, we have some more practical tips to share today. So read on, and feel free to contact the Columbia, SC HVAC pros on our staff with any questions that you may have. 

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Getting to Know Your HVAC System Options

Monday, December 4th, 2017

hot-and-cold-housesChances are that you are familiar with at least a few different HVAC systems that may be used in homes to keep them cool throughout the year. Every now and then, though, we like to throw out a very quick refresher so that homeowners thinking about replacing their heaters or ACs can be reminded of some other options that they may not be so familiar with. That way, you can keep them in mind when the time comes to start seriously considering your new system.

We’ll also take this opportunity to remind you that, while there are certainly a lot of great heaters and air conditioning systems out there, not one of them will function at peak performance, efficiency, and reliability levels if not professionally installed and serviced. Do not put your system and your own personal comfort at risk—not to mention your safety. Schedule your HVAC services in Columbia, SC with the professional technicians on our team.

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Heating Irregularities: When to Be Concerned

Monday, November 20th, 2017


dog-under-blanketWith the coming of the winter season comes the time for reflection. No, we’re not talking about inner, personal reflection—that’s all on you. What we’re talking about is very important too, though: reflecting in an honest manner in regards to your heating system! The chill in the air is only going to grow more pronounced as the calendar days drop away, so you need to know for certain that your heater is going to be there for you when you really need it.

Now, we would love to use this opportunity to tell you how you can guarantee 100% reliability from your home heating system. However, this is simply not an attainable goal. While modern heaters are very reliable, and routine maintenance will keep your system functioning as reliably as possible, you are going to run into operational problems from time to time. When you do, be sure to contact us right away to schedule prompt heating repairs in Irmo, SC. But when should you be concerned?

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Heating Maintenance: Yes, It’s Time

Monday, November 6th, 2017

chilly-manThere is no denying the fact that our winter weather is quite a bit milder than the temperatures that we deal with in the cooling season. Your heater is not going to put to work quite as hard as your air conditioning system when you live in this part of the country. That does not, however, mean that your heater is not just as important as your air conditioner. You still need this system to be there for you whenever you may need it.

That is why it is so important that you schedule routine heating maintenance in Columbia, SC. There is just no other way in which you can do more good for your home heating system. When your system is tuned up annually, you are going to enjoy many benefits that would otherwise remain beyond your grasp. Read on to learn more about what maintenance has to offer. We think that you’ll agree – it’s money well-spent. Check out our maintenance plan, too!

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Need a New AC? Skip the Ductwork!

Monday, February 13th, 2017

ductless-blowerOne of the benefits of living in our area is that the winter season tends to come and go fairly quickly. While many areas of the country are bracing for more frigid temperatures still to come, residents in South Carolina are already looking forward to the Spring warm up. Before long, we’ll even be reaching for the thermostat in order to cool our homes down with our air conditioners. If you hope to do so successfully, you may need to replace that old air conditioner that has been struggling the last few seasons.

If you are starting to think about replacing your air conditioner, or if you have a new construction project underway that will require an HVAC system to be installed, we strongly recommend that you give ductless mini splits some serious attention. Forgoing the use of air ducts in your home can benefit you in a few different ways. Keep the following information in mind when choosing your new air conditioner, and be sure to schedule your ductless mini split installation in Irmo, SC with our team.

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