Fulmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Columbia’

What Air Purifiers Do

Monday, January 11th, 2021

The last year has brought up the topic of keeping the air in your home clean far more than ever. You may wonder how exactly you can “clean” the air in your home though. Some people use portable air filters or purifiers. We prefer a more encompassing solution.

If you haven’t already, now is a great time to consider the addition of a whole-home air purifier in Columbia, SC to your home. These systems are a great way to keep the air in your home much cleaner and they work to protect the entire home, rather than just one room.

Learn more about air purifiers here and contact us for installation when you are ready.

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Handling Efficiency Issues With Your Heater

Monday, December 28th, 2020

Now that the big holiday season is wrapping up, it is time to kick back and relax for a bit. But relaxing may not feel like it is an option if you aren’t able to get warm the way you want to. High heating bills are likely to make you think twice before you turn on your heater most days. Do you really want to deal with another expensive monthly energy bill? However, you can only wear so many sweaters. How do you deal with this issue then?

All too often, high bills dissuade people from using their heaters, leaving them cold in their homes for months on end. This can usually be fixed with some best practices and, if necessary, a professional heating repair in Columbia, SC.

Use these tips to deal with poor heating system efficiency so you can stay warm this season without it costing an arm and a leg.

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5 Issues Your Furnace Might Have

Monday, December 14th, 2020

When the weather is cold and chilly or even rainy, it makes it that much easier to hunker down indoors with a heavy blanket and a hot drink. It also makes you that much more thankful for the warm comfort that your furnace provides. But if you want your furnace to really be able to keep you comfortable throughout the season, it means you need to address any issues it may have.

If you need a furnace repair in Columbia, SC, the sooner you schedule it, the better. Timely repairs can be the thing that prevents early replacement and high energy bills.

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If You Smell Gas, Here’s What to Do

Monday, November 16th, 2020

When you need to ensure that your furnace in Columbia, SC is operating properly and safely, you need to turn to professionals like the ones on our team. Professional technicians like ours are going to be thorough when they service your furnace to ensure that no potential issue is left unchecked or unaddressed.

We know how careful we have to be with gas-powered furnaces. Why? Because we’ve all seen the results and heard stories about times when a furnace went from faulty to dangerous when the person performing services for it wasn’t careful enough.

Your safety and comfort is our priority. That’s why we want you to know what can cause the smell of gas and how to handle the situation safely.

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What Are Your Options For a New Heater?

Monday, October 19th, 2020

It can feel like the weather can’t make up its mind sometimes. One day it is hot and sunny, the next day it is cool and drizzling. It can give you a bit of weather whiplash at times, but don’t let the changes distract you. Cooler weather is fast approaching. Now is the time to make sure you have a working heating system.

If your Columbia, SC heating system isn’t up to par the way it used to be, it may mean you need a replacement system. Choosing a new heater is no small decision. That’s why we are happy to give you the information and services you need to make an informed choice.

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3 Facts About Heat Pumps You Should Know

Monday, August 24th, 2020

Right about now you may be wondering why you ever leave your home to deal with the heat and mucky weather outside your door. Columbia isn’t at its most pleasant during this time of year, but it will help to have a good comfort system keeping your home livable. But if your AC system is about to give out, you might be worried about keeping your home comfortable until the weather eases up.

The solution to this problem may be found with a heat pump. An old air conditioner that can’t do its job anymore is one that needs to be replaced and a heat pump may be the best option for your next system.

Here are three great facts about heat pumps that we think you should know when making this decision.

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How to Boost Your IAQ

Monday, July 27th, 2020

When you are hanging out at home, are you sneezing and coughing up a storm? Or maybe you have just noticed you can never quite get comfortable no matter what you do with your thermostat.

If this sounds familiar, it may be because you have poor indoor air quality in your home. Thankfully, we can help you boost the air in your house.

When you need to improve the air quality in your home, there is more than one solution that you can choose from. Not only can we help you assess where your IAQ is at, but our team can provide the systems and services to help your comfort in the long run.

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Beat the Humidity With This HVAC Addition

Monday, June 29th, 2020

Have you noticed that the air in your house feels distinctly … heavy, as of late? This may be a sign that you are having a problem with the humidity level in your home. While you don’t want to have air that is devoid of all moisture, because yes that is just as uncomfortable, you definitely don’t want to have a house that is holding in extra humidity and messing with your comfort.

Humidity is problematic in the fight to keep your house cool because that airborne moisture is great at holding onto heat. You may be wondering then how you are supposed to combat it. The answer comes in the form of a new addition to your HVAC system: a dehumidifier.

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Do You Know How Important Your Air Filter Is?

Monday, June 15th, 2020

There are a lot of different moving parts involved in the operation of your air conditioner. Now, we aren’t saying that there are any parts that aren’t important. But there are some that are underestimated in the role they play. One of these parts is the air filter for your AC.

If you haven’t checked on your air filter, or you don’t know why you should bother, we would love to give you some extra information on the role of this part of your system. You don’t want your filter to go unattended for too long because it will cause major problems for your comfort this summer.

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5 Signs That AC Repairs Are In Your Future

Monday, June 1st, 2020

Your air conditioner needs to be kept in good condition if you want it to be able to keep you cool this summer. The last thing you want is to come home expecting a nicely cooled home and instead walk into your own house-sized sauna. Thankfully, with regular maintenance and best practices you shouldn’t have to worry about this issue much–until you have an AC in need of repairs.

Yes, even a well-maintained air conditioner will need repair service at some point. The key is to make sure that you keep your eyes and ears peeled for any indicators that you need a repair so you can schedule an appointment right away. You don’t want to delay your AC repairs in Columbia and end up with an early system replacement in the middle of summer!

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