Fulmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Columbia’

Poor Cooling Performance? Your Thermostat May Be Responsible

Monday, September 12th, 2016

When you come back home after a day out in the hot, humid environment that we’re so familiar with around here, you should feel more comfortable immediately. If you’ve begun to realize, though, that your air conditioner just is not living up to your expectations, that is just not possible. We recommend scheduling service with a member of our team to determine precisely what is behind your subpar cooling performance. It may actually be your thermostat in Columbia, SC.

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Why Is My AC Blowing Out Warm Air?

Monday, August 8th, 2016

Imagine that you come home after a hot, long day outdoors, but know for certain that you left the AC running on its regular program. Now imagine that you enter your home, only to find that it is marginally, if at all, cooler than the environment outdoors. That is cause for serious concern, not to mention considerable aggravation.

There are a number of different reasons as to why your air conditioner may blow hot air out of its ducts. Some are, of course, more serious than others. Read on, and remember to dial our number if you need any air conditioning services in Columbia, SC.

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Is My Air Conditioner Leaking Refrigerant?

Monday, August 1st, 2016

While there are certainly many great air conditioning systems on the market these days, it is important to remember that there is no such thing as a 100% problem free air conditioning system. Even the most well-made and expertly maintained systems will experience operational problems at some point. One of the most concerning of these problems is a refrigerant leak.

If your air conditioner in Columbia, SC is leaking refrigerant, the problem must be resolved as soon as possible. We strongly urge you to schedule service with a member of our staff immediately. Of course, first you need to know what the warning signs of a refrigerant leak look like

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Call Us if Your AC Is Making Strange Sounds

Sunday, July 24th, 2016

When you live in South Carolina, where the only thing more intense than the heat, sometimes, is the humidity, you really need to know that your air conditioning system is going to be there for you when you need it most. If your air conditioner is making loud, unfamiliar sounds, then, you should contact us right away. These could be signs of serious problems, existing already or in development.

We know that it’s easy to ignore air conditioning problems when your system is still operational. However, the wear and tear that you may be putting on your system can mean that it won’t be operational much longer if you continue to ignore these sounds. When AC repairs in Columbia, SC are necessary, ours are the technicians to work with.

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Is My Air Conditioner Leaking Water?

Monday, July 4th, 2016

It truly is amazing just how much damage even a small amount of water may do to one’s property, and even in a relatively short amount of time. That is why it is so important that you have any leaks in your plumbing or hydronic heating system repaired ASAP. However, it is also possible for your water coming from your air conditioner to damage your home, as well. This may not be the result of a “leak” as you imagine it, but water originating from your air conditioner in Columbia, SC is still a real threat. If you should notice any water surrounding your indoor unit, contact us right away.

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Is Geothermal Cooling an Option Worth Considering?

Monday, June 6th, 2016

To answer the question posed in the title of this blog, yes. Geothermal air conditioning is definitely well worth your consideration if you are interested in having a new home cooling system installed on your property. There are many different factors to consider, of course, and geothermal cooling may not be right for every home or every homeowner. However, considering the incredible efficiency with which these systems operate, as well as state and federal tax credits making them more affordable than ever, geothermal technology really has a lot to recommend it. Just keep in mind that you must schedule your services with geothermal experts, such as those on our staff.

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Is My Air Conditioner in Need of Repairs?

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

During the summer season, you really want to know that your air conditioning system is going to be there for you when the temperature soars. That is why you schedule routine air conditioning maintenance, after all, or, at least, why you should do so. However, the fact remains that there are no guarantees when it comes to your home cooling system. At some point, you may find yourself in need of air conditioning repairs in Chapin, SC. If and when you do, remember that ours is the number to call. With our AC technicians on your side, you can count on your air conditioner being back in prime working condition before long.

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What Can I Do to Cool My Home More Efficiently?

Monday, April 25th, 2016

We don’t think that homeowners should be forced to live in discomfort, just because they are concerned about the cost of cooling their homes effectively. If you think that the only thing you can do to cool your home more efficiently is to opt for a full AC replacement, think again. There are plenty of ways in which you can go about getting a more efficient performance from your existing system, and they won’t put the financial burden of a replacement on your back. Consider the following tips, and be sure to schedule your AC services in Columbia, SC with a member of our staff.

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It’s Time to Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance

Monday, March 28th, 2016

You know just how unbearably warm the summer season can be in this part of the country. That is precisely why you must schedule professional air conditioning maintenance services in Columbia, SC. There is just no other way in which you can hope for your home cooling system to function optimally. If you are on an annual spring maintenance program, now is the time to contact a member of our team in order to schedule the professional air conditioning maintenance services that your system needs to succeed. You don’t want to wait for the heat of summer to arrive, only to discover that your air conditioner is not ready to step to the plate.

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Make Your Home More Comfortable with a Whole-House Dehumidifier

Monday, March 21st, 2016

At this point in the year, temperatures are fluctuating radically. While you are not likely running your air conditioner around the clock just yet, there are certainly days here and there during which you are going to rely on your home cooling system to keep you comfortable. It’s important to remember, though, that maintaining cool temperatures may not be enough to make your home the oasis that you deserve during the summer season. You may also need to take certain measures in order to improve the quality of the air in your living space. Around here, that usually means removing excess humidity. You can do so effectively with a whole-house dehumidifier in Columbia, SC.

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