Fulmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Columbia’

Common Signs of Electrical Issues

Monday, January 20th, 2025

Strange things happen in haunted houses … there are mysterious noises and unexplained smells … the lights flicker and go out! No, don’t worry, your problems are not being caused by ghosts. You’re just experiencing common signs that there are electrical issues in your home. What should you watch for? How can it be fixed? We’ve got the answers.

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Time to Upgrade Your Water Heater

Monday, December 16th, 2024

Of all the appliances in your home, a water heater might have one of the shortest lifespans. A typical life expectancy for a storage tank water heater is just eight to twelve years. And when the time comes to replace it, you’ve got some great options.

The most efficient way to heat water is not with combusted natural gas or with electrical resistance. No, to achieve maximum efficiency, you’ll have to use refrigerant!

Does this surprise you? A heat pump water heater is a fantastic option, and right now, you’ll be able to take advantage of federal tax rebates and local utility incentives.

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Common Holiday Plumbing Problems—Prep Your Home

Monday, November 18th, 2024

Happy Holidays! ‘Tis the season of houseguests and hearty meals, extra showers, extra toilet flushes, extra dishes to wash and extra food down the disposal. It might be a lot of fun for you, but it’s a lot of extra work for your home’s plumbing system. There are some plumbing problems that come up really frequently this time of year. Can you avoid them? Will you need repairs? Let’s find out.

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Why Fall Is a Great Time to Upgrade Your Home Comfort

Monday, November 4th, 2024

While we’re enjoying the gorgeous autumn weather in South Carolina, don’t forget to plan for the future! Much of the year, we need to either heat or cool our homes for months on end. And if you aren’t absolutely certain that your home’s HVAC system is in excellent condition, now would be the best time to consider what might need replacing.

It’s not just your heating system you should consider this fall, either. There are changes coming to the air conditioning industry, and you’d do best to be prepared in advance. What’s going on that makes this fall the best time for an HVAC upgrade? What are the best cost-saving options? Here’s the info you need.

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Choose the Best Contractor for New Construction Plumbing

Monday, October 14th, 2024

When you’re building a new home, you want to envision it lasting forever. The median age of a home in South Carolina isn’t exactly forever—it’s actually 32 years at this point—but even three decades looks like a pretty long time when you’re planning a brand-new house. The way to make sure it will still be in beautiful condition in 32 years is to hire the very best contractors for all the jobs you need done during construction. 

This is perhaps particularly true when it comes to plumbing. Mistakes, cut corners, or generally shoddy work in new construction plumbing can make for problems that cause damage to other parts of the home. How can you choose the best possible contractor for your new construction plumbing? We’ve got some tips that will help you make the right decision.

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Does a Fan in Your Home Need Repair?

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

Ceiling fans can make a huge difference in a home. Particularly in a climate like ours, they can make you much more comfortable in the heat of the summer. And if you know how to use them properly, they can reduce your use of both AC and heat, cutting your utility bills and extending the lifespans of your air conditioner and your heating system. 

However, it can be easy to overlook a ceiling fan. Perhaps you haven’t used yours in a while. Or perhaps when you’ve tried to use it, you’ve realized that something is wrong with it. What can go wrong with ceiling fans? Who can repair them? How can you get all the benefits that your ceiling fan should offer? We’ll tell you.

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Geothermal Heating & Cooling: FAQ

Monday, August 5th, 2024

The heating radiator was invented in 1835. A century later, forced-air furnaces that burned coal were created. Central air conditioning started to rise to popularity in the 1950s, and heat pumps have been getting more common in recent decades. All these systems are probably familiar to you. 

But what about geothermal systems? Many people are unfamiliar with them. We’d like to fix that! The more you know about your home climate control options, the easier it will be for you to choose systems that are ideal for your home and your needs. We’ll introduce you to geothermal heating and cooling systems with an FAQ, but don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions that aren’t on this list.

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Your Home Safety Inspection Checklist

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

While our modern electrical needs are important, we can’t let them get in the way of what really matters. There’s nothing more important than your family’s safety. Tens of thousands of house fires are caused every year in the US by electrical issues, and approximately 200 people die each year from electrocutions in their homes. 

There’s no need to expose yourself to such risks when taking some basic precautions could make all the difference. What can you do to keep yourself, your home, and your family safe from fires and electric shocks? Schedule a home safety inspection with an electrician. 

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5 Critical Upgrades Your Home Needs

Monday, June 24th, 2024

The electrical system in your house is like the nervous system in your body. It sends vital signals and keeps things running! Don’t take this crucial part of your home for granted. As the years go by, your needs change. Old equipment or fixtures might not suffice anymore. They may have degraded over time, or been damaged by water, rodents, or more.

Take some time and consider what your home’s electrical system is lacking, what hasn’t held up well over the years, and what could use some work. Want some suggestions? Here are five possible upgrades to your home’s electrical system that could make a huge difference, and might even be critical for safety or functionality.

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What’s That Smell? 5 Signs It’s Time for a Drain Cleaning

Monday, June 10th, 2024

Your home’s plumbing has two systems which both need to be working properly in order for your home to function smoothly. There’s the water main coming into your home, which connects to all the faucets and fixtures with water lines. And then there’s the drainage system. This includes every drain, the pipes that carry the drain water away, and the sewer line they all lead to.

Drain problems can lead to some very unpleasant consequences, potentially even as bad as sewage backing up into your tubs and sinks! To prevent these problems, your drains and sewer line need occasional check-ups and cleanings.

How can you tell if it’s time for a drain cleaning? Well, the smell might give you a clue, and there are some other signs to watch out for as well.

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