What’s that you say? It’s not nearly summer yet? Well, you’re right. But these things can sneak up on you if you aren’t prepared! You don’t want that first blazing-hot day to arrive only to find out that your air conditioner isn’t working. There are major benefits to AC maintenance in Columbia, SC, and even more to scheduling it nice and early in the spring. Here’s why.
Fulmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Maintenance’
It’s Not Too Early to Consider AC Maintenance
Monday, February 17th, 2025Why You Should Schedule AC Maintenance Before Summer Starts
Monday, May 1st, 2023Summer is just around the corner and you know what that means for South Carolina homeowners. It means you really need to be able to depend on your air conditioner to keep your home and family comfortable. Now’s a great time to assess its performance.
If spring snuck up on you and you forgot to schedule maintenance, there’s no better time than the present! Air conditioning maintenance in Pomaria, SC is the best thing you can do to ensure that your AC will see you through the next six months of hot, humid weather. Let’s discuss the reasons why you should get your AC tuned up if you haven’t already.
Get Your Air Conditioner Ready For the Cooling Season
Monday, April 3rd, 2023Spring has certainly sprung up on us here in South Carolina. With the warm temperatures we’ve been having, you’ve undoubtedly made the switch from using your heater to using your air conditioner. The change in temperatures came so suddenly that you might have neglected scheduling AC maintenance in Columbia, SC, and it’s understandable how it slipped by you.
However, just because we didn’t have much of a shoulder season this year is no excuse to go without this essential service. In fact, it’s especially important to have it done now since it seems like we’re in for an extended cooling season. In the meantime, here are some things you can do to help make sure your air conditioner is in tip-top shape.
What Happens When Your Evaporator Coil Gets Dirty
Monday, May 2nd, 2022There is a highly important part of your air conditioner known as the evaporator coil. This part of the system is where the cooling process really happens. Refrigerant is cycled through the evaporator coil where it is evaporated into a gaseous state. This allows it to absorb heat which creates cooler air for your home.
Without your evaporator coil in proper working condition, you will notice that there are some problems with your air conditioner’s operation.
Let us explain what can happen if your evaporator coil gets too dirty and why it can quickly become a big problem.
Schedule Your System Maintenance Now
Monday, April 6th, 2020
The temperatures in Irmo have been on a pretty steady upward trend. It can go from pleasantly warm to uncomfortably hot and muggy all too quickly. Thankfully, that is why you have an effective air conditioning system in your home.
This is a system that should be able to keep your house cool if it is working the way it is meant to. One way that you can ensure that your AC system is going to be up to the task of keeping your home comfortable is to schedule a yearly maintenance appointment with a professional.
Curious about why? Read on for answers.
How HVAC Contractors Tune-Up ACs
Monday, October 8th, 2018No matter what air conditioning system you have, you’ve probably heard people sing the praises of routine maintenance. That’s because this simple practice really does make a huge difference to the quality and lifespan of your air conditioning system. Although you’ve probably heard the positive effects of this type of service, you might not actually know what goes on during a routine maintenance check. Having this knowledge helps you choose the right contractor for your home. If you need a great HVAC contractor in Lexington, SC, you can rely on our team here at Fulmer Heating & Cooling.
How You Can Boost AC Efficiency
Monday, August 27th, 2018This is not a blog post about how you can start cooling your home for free. That is just not possible. If you are serious about cooling your home as efficiently as possible, though, then this is definitely the post for you! And before you click away, allow us to put your mind at ease. This is not all going to boil down to “pay us to install a brand new, high-efficiency air conditioner for you.”
Sure, investing in a new, high-efficiency AC will get you the results that you’re after. And we are more than capable of and happy to install your new system for you the right way, provided that’s what you’re interested in. If, like so many homeowners, you just want to make sure that you’re getting the most efficient performance from your current setup, though, then read on and remember to let us handle your HVAC services in Lexington, SC.
Your AC Demands a Fresh Air Filter!
Monday, July 30th, 2018There is nothing better that you can do for your air conditioner than scheduling annual air conditioning maintenance in Columbia, SC with a trained professional. Are you looking for something great that you yourself can do for your air conditioner, though? Something that you not only can do, but should be doing on a regular basis? Then look no further than your air filter. Specifically, look no further than the fresh air filter that you should be providing your AC every 1-3 months.
We have said time and time again that air conditioning maintenance is something that only tried and true AC professionals can handle. We meant it when we said it all of those times, and we are happy to reiterate that fact today. That being said, this doesn’t mean that you need to be completely hands-off when it comes to AC maintenance. After all, as mentioned above, that filter needs changing more than once a year! Here’s why.
AC Maintenance: A Vital HVAC Service
Monday, April 23rd, 2018If you ever encounter an HVAC contractor seeming to imply that there is a way to completely eliminate the need for occasional AC repairs, you should definitely take your business elsewhere. Not only is your air conditioner a mechanical system, but it is one that you’ll be using quite extensively throughout the hottest time of the year. Even the best systems are going to run into trouble eventually.
That doesn’t mean, of course, that you need to invite problems with your air conditioner. How might one do that? by ignoring your system’s maintenance needs. Sure, there is no such thing as a 100% dependable air conditioner—but routine maintenance can keep it as dependable as possible. Read on to learn more about this vital HVAC service in Lexington, SC. When you’re ready to schedule your AC maintenance with trained professionals that you can trust, just dial our number to do so.
Air Conditioning Tip: Don’t Skip a Tune-Up!
Monday, October 9th, 2017While homeowners in many areas of the country are getting ready to pack in their ACs for the season and switch over to their heating systems, we still have plenty of cooling ahead of us in the coming days. While it may seem a bit late in the season to be talking about an air conditioning tune-up, the fact is that if you’ve gone this far into the season without one, you still need to have one! If nothing else, you’ll be getting your system onboard for an end of the year maintenance schedule.
Chances are that you’ve seen us talk about the importance of routine maintenance if you have visited this blog or our website before. Because air conditioning in Columbia, SC is so important, we want to take today’s post to reiterate why it is that you cannot afford to skip over even one maintenance visit. Read on, and let the AC maintenance professionals on our team help you to get the most from your home cooling system.