Happy Holidays! ‘Tis the season of houseguests and hearty meals, extra showers, extra toilet flushes, extra dishes to wash and extra food down the disposal. It might be a lot of fun for you, but it’s a lot of extra work for your home’s plumbing system. There are some plumbing problems that come up really frequently this time of year. Can you avoid them? Will you need repairs? Let’s find out.

Garbage Disposal Concerns
The most important thing when it comes to a disposal in your sink is making sure everyone who is doing food prep or washing dishes knows what to put in the disposal and what needs to go in the trash. If your kitchen will be busy, consider putting up a small sign by the sink instructing people to keep grease and fat, hard items like pits and bones, stringy items like celery stalks, and starches like pasta out of the sink.
However, if you’re already experiencing some problems with your garbage disposal, it’s even more likely that the extra workload around the holidays will cause a breakdown. You don’t want to spend what should be a fun family day trying to deal with that! If you think repairs are needed, get them before the holiday rush. And if your disposal is at least a decade old, you might consider replacing it.
Running Toilets
A huge amount of water can be wasted if a toilet’s water supply won’t shut off between flushes. Even the smallest trickle can cause you to go through an extra 30–50 gallons of water each day! You don’t need to be paying outrageous water bills this time of year—there are enough expenses. A running toilet is usually a quick and easy fix, not something that requires a toilet replacement, so don’t delay! Deal with it right away.
Slow Drains
Before a full-on clog occurs, it’s common for drains to get slower and slower. That’s because most drain clogs aren’t caused by one sudden item. They’re the result of slow accumulation of layers of stuff over time: soap scum, mineral scaling, solidified cooking grease, hair, and more. Drain cleaning can be done before the problem turns from an annoyance to an emergency, so schedule that now.
Cold Showers
Having extra people in the house means using a lot more hot water. How’s your water heater doing? It’s worth taking a quick peek. Is there rust or corrosion, or any water leaking? Get it repaired or replaced! Are you already frustrated with inconsistent temperatures or a lack of hot water pressure? Water heater maintenance will flush out the sediment and minerals that are causing these problems!
Our Holiday Gift to You
We’d like to offer a promotional gift if you do experience any of these problems or other plumbing issues that require repair: $50 off your plumbing repair in Columbia, SC! You have plenty of other things to spend that money on, and we want you to be able to enjoy the season.
Contact Fulmer Heating & Cooling today for a plumbing expert in Columbia, SC!