5 Perks of Going Tankless Plumbing

July 25th, 2022

You deserve to have a reliable water heater in Columbia, SC in your home. That’s why we want you to know about tankless water heaters. These systems are able to provide you with a reliable hot water supply without the need for a large tank.

When you are looking to upgrade your water heater, it may be a good idea to consider this type of system. Read on the find out more about tankless water heaters and how they you can benefit from having one in your home.

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Why A Loss of Refrigerant Is a Problem

July 11th, 2022

Refrigerant is the substance in your system that makes cooling your home possible. This chemical is cycled between liquid and gas form in order to pull heat out of the air from your home. Without refrigerant, your AC wouldn’t be much more than an oversized (and exoensive) fan!

Contrary to popular belief, refrigerant doesn’t get used up the way that fuel does. It is cycled repeatedly. In fact, your AC is installed with the appropriate amount of refrigerant to last it throughout its lifetime.

What does it mean when you start to lose refrigerant? It means that you need to schedule an air conditioning repair in Lexington, SC.

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Save Water; Address Leaks ASAP

June 27th, 2022

While we see our fair share of rainfall throughout the year, it is always good to consider ways to save water. This benefits both your monthly budget and, of course, the planet. As you may know, there are few larger waater-wasters than pipe leaks that go undetected for a long time.

Let’s address the importance of getting a plumber in Lexington, SC to address any leaks in your home. This is one of the most important ways to save water and keep your home plumbing in good shape.

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Why You Need a Pro For Your AC Install

June 13th, 2022

Things are already heating up and you need a working air conditioner in your home. The sooner you get this system up and running the better! Time to find a good online tutorial and…

Let’s stop you there. There are plenty of DIY projects that you can do in your home but an air conditioning installation in Columbia, SC (or anywhere else) is NOT one of them. AC installations are a task that should always be left to professionals.

Yes, having a professional technician install your air conditioner is costly but it is also cost-effective. Let’s look at the many reasons why a professional system installation is well worth every penny.

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5 Sounds Your AC Is Not Meant to Make

May 16th, 2022

If you turn on your car or your computer and notice that the machine is making a concerning sound, odds are that you’ll start to investigate what is causing that noise. In almost every case, we understand that new noises from our machine are an indicator of trouble. Your AC system is no exception to the rule!

A cooling system that has begun to make new and worrisome noises is one that likely need air conditioning repair in Columbia, SC. If you aren’t sure which noises are good or bad to hear from your AC, we can help. Read on to learn about 5 noises you don’t want to hear from your air conditioner so you know when to reach out to us for repairs.

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What Happens When Your Evaporator Coil Gets Dirty

May 2nd, 2022

There is a highly important part of your air conditioner known as the evaporator coil. This part of the system is where the cooling process really happens. Refrigerant is cycled through the evaporator coil where it is evaporated into a gaseous state. This allows it to absorb heat which creates cooler air for your home.

 Without your evaporator coil in proper working condition, you will notice that there are some problems with your air conditioner’s operation. 

Let us explain what can happen if your evaporator coil gets too dirty and why it can quickly become a big problem.

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What You Should Know About Short Cycling

April 18th, 2022

When you air conditioner turns on, you expect to feel cool comfort in a short amount of time. But what do you do if your AC turns on and just barely starts to produce cool air before shutting off? What you may be experiencing is known as short cycling.

When your air conditioner experiences shortened cooling cycles, it isn’t because your system is just cooling things off faster. In fact, it is the exact opposite. Short cycling is a problem that should be responded to by scheduling air conditioner repair in Columbia, SC.

Here’s what you need to know.

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What You Should Know About Your Indoor Air Quality

April 4th, 2022

You want a home that offers your the best level of comfort possible. We see our fair share of uncomfortable days so having a home that offers a safe haven from unpleasant weather is a great relief. But what do you do if you indoor air quality is mucking things up?

Temperature control is obviously a big factor in your comfort level. But the other half is your indoor air quality. Poor air quality in your home can ruin your comfort and mess with other aspects of your home as well.

Here is some important information that we believe every resident of Columbia needs to know about their indoor air quality.

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Kick Off Spring Leak-Free

March 21st, 2022

There is nothing that can ruin a good spring day quite as quickly as a leak can. Suddenly, rather than catching up on a good TV show or enjoying a family meal outsdoors, you will find yourself hunting for a way to resolve the leak and minimize the water damage.

We want you to know that we can help you address that bothersome leak. We can even help to catch leaks before they do any damage to your home. All you need to do is reach out for leak detection in Columbia, SC. We can provide helpful repairs from there!

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Are You Ready For a New Air Conditioner?

March 7th, 2022

There is a little while yet until we get into the hotter days of the year. But you don’t want to find yourself stuck without a good cooling system when the real heat does hit. That’s why we want you to think hard about how well your air conditioner has been doing.

If you have been worried about the state of your cooling system, we’d say it may be time to consider if you should repair it or if you are getter off getting an air conditioner replacement in Columbia, SC.

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