5 Things to Know About Geothermal Systems

April 26th, 2021

Picture living in a home where the temperature is always comfortable, and the heating and cooling system is nowhere in sight. The system performs efficiently without requiring a lot of repairs and regular maintenance. The air in your house always smells fresh, and you can hear the wind rustling through the leaves. Sounds comfortable, doesn’t it?

You can make this vision a reality with a geothermal heating and cooling system. Let’s see how geothermal systems work to provide comfortable heating and cooling as needed.

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Low Refrigerant Isn’t a Normal Thing

April 12th, 2021

Does it take longer than before for your air conditioner to cool your home? Or the air coming out of the vents feels warmer than usual? If the thermostats are displaying correct temperatures and your filters are clean, the problem may be low refrigerant levels in the AC. We have compiled four signals to consider when determining diminished quantities of refrigerant in your AC system.

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3 Reasons to Knock Out AC Maintenance Now!

March 29th, 2021

Professional air conditioner maintenance has numerous benefits that just can’t be compared with layman tinkering and fixes. Eventually, you will need a professional to inspect and tune-up your AC unit. Here are the top three reasons to knock out AC maintenance now:

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Why Chemical Drain Cleaners Are No Good

March 8th, 2021

A clogged drain is something that many of us will have to deal with at least once in our lives, if not a lot more often. These are common problems for plumbing systems throughout the country. When you start noticing some of the telltale symptoms of a drain that is about to clog, like a bad smell or a gurgling noise, you’ll probably want to get it addressed before it causes a bigger problem. We want you to pause though before you reach for that bottle of chemical drain cleaner.

Chemical cleaners are meant to offer a quick and easy solution to clearing a clogged drain. This isn’t quite the reality though. A chemical drain cleaner may offer a small amount of relief at times, but it won’t actually solve the issue in the long run. Let us explain why and tell you about some of the more effective solutions that are out there.

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Tips for Handling Leaks in Your Home

February 22nd, 2021

There are few things so irksome as turning on your faucet first thing in the morning to get washed up, only to discover that there is barely a trickle coming from it. If you have hard water in your area, there is a chance this is due to build-up in the pipes or even in the faucet itself. But this would have created a gradual decrease, not a sudden one.

If you suddenly have a problem with your water supply to one or more plumbing appliances in your home, chances are this is due to a leak. If this is the case, it means you need to contact a plumber in Columbia, SC sooner than later.

If you still aren’t sure this is the issue or you aren’t sure how to handle the situation until a plumber arrives. We can help with that.

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3 Things to Love About Heat Pump Water Heaters

February 8th, 2021

We don’t think it would be excessive to say that most of us love our water heaters. We may not think about this fact until we are without hot water, but the reality is that we depend on these systems to keep us comfortable on a regular basis.

This means that choosing the right water heater for your home is a big decision. Having the best water heater in Columbia, SC to meet your needs can and will make a difference in the comfort and convenience you enjoy each day. That’s why we want to make sure you know about all your options for water heaters, including heat pump water heaters.

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Noises That You Don’t Want to Hear From Your Heater

January 25th, 2021
Inside a gas furnace. Focus = the top of the middle flange. 12MP camera.

Some noises are welcome around your home: laughter, music, or even the sound of a good meal on the stove. Then there are other sounds that you don’t want to hear. This can include the sound of something going wrong with your heating unit.

Strange and concerning noises are often some of the earliest signs that you need to schedule heater repair in Columbia, SC. This applies to every type of heater, whether it is a furnace, heat pump, or another type of system. When you need heater repair, make sure to come to us for the professional service you need.

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What Air Purifiers Do

January 11th, 2021

The last year has brought up the topic of keeping the air in your home clean far more than ever. You may wonder how exactly you can “clean” the air in your home though. Some people use portable air filters or purifiers. We prefer a more encompassing solution.

If you haven’t already, now is a great time to consider the addition of a whole-home air purifier in Columbia, SC to your home. These systems are a great way to keep the air in your home much cleaner and they work to protect the entire home, rather than just one room.

Learn more about air purifiers here and contact us for installation when you are ready.

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Handling Efficiency Issues With Your Heater

December 28th, 2020

Now that the big holiday season is wrapping up, it is time to kick back and relax for a bit. But relaxing may not feel like it is an option if you aren’t able to get warm the way you want to. High heating bills are likely to make you think twice before you turn on your heater most days. Do you really want to deal with another expensive monthly energy bill? However, you can only wear so many sweaters. How do you deal with this issue then?

All too often, high bills dissuade people from using their heaters, leaving them cold in their homes for months on end. This can usually be fixed with some best practices and, if necessary, a professional heating repair in Columbia, SC.

Use these tips to deal with poor heating system efficiency so you can stay warm this season without it costing an arm and a leg.

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5 Issues Your Furnace Might Have

December 14th, 2020

When the weather is cold and chilly or even rainy, it makes it that much easier to hunker down indoors with a heavy blanket and a hot drink. It also makes you that much more thankful for the warm comfort that your furnace provides. But if you want your furnace to really be able to keep you comfortable throughout the season, it means you need to address any issues it may have.

If you need a furnace repair in Columbia, SC, the sooner you schedule it, the better. Timely repairs can be the thing that prevents early replacement and high energy bills.

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