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Make Your Home More Comfortable with a Whole-House Dehumidifier

At this point in the year, temperatures are fluctuating radically. While you are not likely running your air conditioner around the clock just yet, there are certainly days here and there during which you are going to rely on your home cooling system to keep you comfortable. It’s important to remember, though, that maintaining cool temperatures may not be enough to make your home the oasis that you deserve during the summer season. You may also need to take certain measures in order to improve the quality of the air in your living space. Around here, that usually means removing excess humidity. You can do so effectively with a whole-house dehumidifier in Columbia, SC.

How Can I Tell if the Air in My Home is too Humid?

Generally speaking, relative humidity of about 35-50% in one’s home is ideal. However, many homeowners do not actually measure the relative humidity in their living spaces. Even so, there are plenty of warning signs that may tip you off to the fact that your home is too humid. You may feel sticky during the summer season, with muggy air filling your home. Your air conditioner will dehumidify the air somewhat as it cools your house, but this is not its primary function, and humidity levels in this part of the country are too high to rely on it to do so. You may also smell musty and mildewy odors in your home, or notice that there is actually water staining developing in your house. Signs of mold growth may also indicate excessively high humidity.

Why Choose a Whole-House Dehumidifier?

A portable dehumidifier is fine for drying out the air in, say, a studio apartment or a single bedroom. If you are serious about balancing humidity throughout your entire house, though, you are going to need a whole-house dehumidifier. These systems may function with your AC, and independently of it as necessary. You won’t have to move it from room to room, nor will you have to empty out a collection bin each day.

To dehumidify the air in your home effectively and conveniently, let Fulmer Heating & Cooling install and service your dehumidifier. 


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