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3 Things to Consider Before Purchasing a New Furnace


Furnaces are the choice for heating in about 60% of homes across the US. If you have a furnace for heating your Columbia, SC home, you’re probably aware of the many benefits that come with furnaces. You’re happy with your choice for heating your home and plan on purchasing another furnace when yours is due for replacement.

But what factors should you take into consideration when it’s time to buy a new furnace? Although this might not be a priority in the immediate future, it’s smart to know what will influence your decision when you’re ready to buy. Here are three things to consider when it’s time for furnace replacement. If you’re still deciding between repairs or a full upgrade, check out this guide on whether to fix your old furnace or switch to a heat pump to help make the best choice for your home.

1. Choose Gas or Electric

If you have an electric furnace, perhaps you’ve been wondering if you should switch to a gas model when it’s time to upgrade. 

Gas furnaces are some of the most affordable and efficient heating systems available on the market today. If having a natural gas pipeline installed for your new furnace is possible in your home, it’s something to consider. Natural gas is more affordable than electricity. It’s also clean burning so it’s an eco-friendly option that some homeowners find highly appealing. And although natural gas piping can be an expensive investment, it can be used to power other appliances in your home such as an oven, clothes dryer, and water heater. 

Electric furnaces have their advantages, too. The upfront cost of an electric furnace is cheaper than that of a gas furnace so if you’re on a budget, electric could be the better option. An advantage to electric furnaces in our mild winter climate is that they work incredibly efficiently when huge demands aren’t placed on them. You shouldn’t have to worry about huge electricity bills like those incurred by our neighbors to the north. 

2. Choose the Right Size

This will be a major factor to consider when it comes to your next furnace installation. A heating system needs to be the right size to fit the needs of your home and your family. Choosing the same size as your existing furnace might be the easiest choice, but it isn’t necessarily the best choice. 

However, bigger isn’t always better. Some homeowners think that installing a larger furnace will result in more reliability and greater comfort, but this isn’t necessarily true. This is why it’s so important to choose a professional when it comes time to install or replace your heating system. 

What’s more, homeowners have never had so many options when it comes to furnaces as they do now! We’ll review your home’s and family’s needs and then go over the different heating options that are available. f you’re interested in exploring other heating solutions, check out your options for a new heater to find the best fit for your home. We can ensure that you have the right heating system for your home

3. Choose Professional Installation

Here’s a sobering statistic you should keep in mind when it’s time to buy a new furnace: Even if a furnace is the correct size for your home, if it’s improperly installed the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)  estimates you could forfeit up to 30% of your energy efficiency. That’s why it’s imperative to choose a professional HVAC company when choosing and installing a new furnace. If you’re thinking about replacing your heating system soon, consider these key factors before making your purchase to ensure you make the right investment.

The pros from Fulmer Heating & Cooling are here for all of your heating needs in Columbia, SC! Contact the team at Fulmer Heating & Cooling to schedule your furnace installation.

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