Fulmer Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Getting to Know Your HVAC System Options

Monday, December 4th, 2017

hot-and-cold-housesChances are that you are familiar with at least a few different HVAC systems that may be used in homes to keep them cool throughout the year. Every now and then, though, we like to throw out a very quick refresher so that homeowners thinking about replacing their heaters or ACs can be reminded of some other options that they may not be so familiar with. That way, you can keep them in mind when the time comes to start seriously considering your new system.

We’ll also take this opportunity to remind you that, while there are certainly a lot of great heaters and air conditioning systems out there, not one of them will function at peak performance, efficiency, and reliability levels if not professionally installed and serviced. Do not put your system and your own personal comfort at risk—not to mention your safety. Schedule your HVAC services in Columbia, SC with the professional technicians on our team.

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Heating Irregularities: When to Be Concerned

Monday, November 20th, 2017


dog-under-blanketWith the coming of the winter season comes the time for reflection. No, we’re not talking about inner, personal reflection—that’s all on you. What we’re talking about is very important too, though: reflecting in an honest manner in regards to your heating system! The chill in the air is only going to grow more pronounced as the calendar days drop away, so you need to know for certain that your heater is going to be there for you when you really need it.

Now, we would love to use this opportunity to tell you how you can guarantee 100% reliability from your home heating system. However, this is simply not an attainable goal. While modern heaters are very reliable, and routine maintenance will keep your system functioning as reliably as possible, you are going to run into operational problems from time to time. When you do, be sure to contact us right away to schedule prompt heating repairs in Irmo, SC. But when should you be concerned?

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Heating Maintenance: Yes, It’s Time

Monday, November 6th, 2017

chilly-manThere is no denying the fact that our winter weather is quite a bit milder than the temperatures that we deal with in the cooling season. Your heater is not going to put to work quite as hard as your air conditioning system when you live in this part of the country. That does not, however, mean that your heater is not just as important as your air conditioner. You still need this system to be there for you whenever you may need it.

That is why it is so important that you schedule routine heating maintenance in Columbia, SC. There is just no other way in which you can do more good for your home heating system. When your system is tuned up annually, you are going to enjoy many benefits that would otherwise remain beyond your grasp. Read on to learn more about what maintenance has to offer. We think that you’ll agree – it’s money well-spent. Check out our maintenance plan, too!

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Learn the Warning Signs of Heating Repair Needs

Monday, January 16th, 2017

Just because our winter weather may not be quite as severe as the heat of summer is around here is no reason to ignore the signs of trouble exhibited by your heater. When you first notice that your heater is struggling or operating unusually, pick up the phone to give us a call. Prompt heating repairs in Prosperity, SC are always in your best interest.

If you really want to get out ahead of any heating problems that you may encounter, of course, then you need to learn the warning signs that repairs are necessary in the first place. You don’t want to wait for a complete breakdown, after all. Keep your eyes, and the rest of your senses, peeled for these signs of trouble. For additional tips on maintaining your heater, read about handling efficiency issues with your heater.

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Your Heater Must Be Properly Sized for Your Home

Monday, January 9th, 2017

This is not really the time of year that most homeowners are scrambling to buy a new heating system. After all, you’re probably running your heater pretty regularly right now. If your heater should break down on you, however, or if you’re just thinking ahead to a replacement once the seasons change, you may be giving your next heater some serious consideration already.

It is a decision that you certainly cannot rush into if you want to be happy with the outcome, though. In addition to choosing the type of heater, which fuel you’ll use, etc., you also need to know that your heater is of the right size for your home. It requires more than just knowing the square footage of your living space. When we install your heater in Columbia, SC, it will suit your home perfectly.

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Is a Furnace the Right Heater for Me?

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

It’s very possible! The furnace is probably the most popular of all heating systems used in the country today, and this is no fluke. When properly sized and professionally installed, the furnace can truly excel in the heating of one’s home.

Today, we’ll look at some of the reasons that you may choose to use a furnace in your home. If you do decide to go with a furnace in Chapin, SC, be sure to let us know. We’ll guarantee that your furnace is installed properly every step of the way.

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Furnace FAQ: What’s This Strange New Sound?

Monday, December 19th, 2016

Generally speaking, a properly functioning furnace should operate pretty quietly. Yes, you may hear the sound of the furnace cycling on, depending upon its location in your home. You’ll probably also hear some mild noise as heated air is forced through the ductwork in your home.

Your furnace should not be noisy enough to disrupt your thoughts, though, and it should not be getting noisier and noisier as the heating season goes on. If your furnace in Prosperity, SC is making alarming new sounds, do not hesitate to schedule repairs with a member of our team. Doing so sooner rather than later can help you to avoid potentially serious operating problems. 

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Schedule Your Precision Tune-Up, If You Haven’t Already

Monday, December 12th, 2016

South Carolina does not have the most severe winter weather in the country. Not by a long shot. Why, then, should you be concerned with having your heater tuned up before winter really gets underway? Because without a precision tune up in Columbia, SC, you’ll soon realize that even relatively mild winters can be miserable without a well-functioning heater!

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Time Is Running Out to Take Advantage of the Geothermal Tax Credit!

Monday, November 21st, 2016

We’ve mentioned before how much you stand to save by taking advantage of the geothermal tax credit currently available on new system installations. If you have been thinking about scheduling a geothermal installation in Columbia, SC, but still have not gotten around to it, now really is the time to ask. Come the new year, which is really just around the corner at this point, the 30% federal tax credit will be history.

We know that this is not the type of decision you can rush into, of course. We also know how much homeowners can benefit from this type of installation, though. That is why we’ll quickly run through some of the best benefits that a geothermal heating and cooling system has to offer.

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Remember to Change the Filter in Your Furnace or Heat Pump!

Monday, November 14th, 2016

You really shouldn’t have to struggle too much to heat your home successfully in this part of the country. Our winter weather is certainly not “extreme.” That being said, there are many reasons as to why you may fail to get a great performance from your furnace or heat pump. One of the most common is entirely the result of user error.

It may not sound like that big of a deal, but you absolutely must remember to change the filter in your forced-air heating system. This includes both furnaces and heat pumps. If you don’t, your heater in Prosperity, SC is going to run into a number of different issues. For additional insights into common heating problems, check out signs that you need heating repairs.

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