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Proudly Serving The Columbia Area Since 1985


What a Leaking Outdoor Unit Means

AC-unit-topviewIt’s summer in Irmo! That means you’re swapping out your long sleeve t-shirts for short sleeves, pulling out the pool gear, and slathering on sunscreen so that you’re ready to play safely in the summer rays. What could go wrong? Well, noticing water dripping where it shouldn’t be is a big sign of a problem in your home. When you see water leaking your mind might immediately go to a plumbing problem but the issue could actually be with your AC unit.

If you realize that you’re having a significant air conditioning problem and you need air conditioning repair in Irmo, SC our team can help you get your air conditioner back in shape. South Carolina summers are hot, balmy, and long, so you need a great air conditioner.  

Where Is the Water Coming From?

Nine times out of ten a water leak problem with your air conditioner comes from a faulty condensate drain. Even if you’re unfamiliar with your condensate drain you’re familiar with the process it’s in charge of because you’ve experienced condensation. Condensation build-up happens when you decide to have a nice tall glass of water with ice on a hot day. The outside of your glass gets a little sweaty.

The same sort of thing happens to your air conditioning unit too—small water droplets collect on the AC unit’s evaporator coil due to the humidity in the air that condenses as it passes over the cool coil. This should all be able to happen without any trouble. At the end of the process, your air conditioning is designed to get rid of the extra condensation that could leak into your home.

If you’re experiencing a leak it’s probably because of one of the following reasons:

  • The condensate drain may be clogged
  • The condensate drain pan is either damaged or has been knocked out of place
  • The humidity here in Irmo is super high and your system is having trouble getting rid of the excess
  • Ice has formed along the evaporator coil and is thawing out too quickly

What You Should Do

The first thing you want to do when you’re having a significant air conditioning problem like this is pick up the phone and call our number. We know how tempting it is to try to DIY your problems away. It seems like a great idea on the surface—you can just consult the various resources on the internet and save yourself the time and money involved in calling a professional. The reality is that most homeowners that try to go DIY end up calling a professional to fix their problem in the end anyway, so you’re only adding more expenses and frustration to your struggle trying to solve these problems on your own.

Fulmer Heating & Cooling has served Newberry and the surrounding area since 1985. If you need a professional team to fix your air conditioning problems we’re always the one to call. Choose our team—“Where Quality Counts.”

Looking for air conditioning repair? Contact Fulmer Heating & Cooling today to schedule an appointment.  

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