Maybe you have discovered that you are looking forward to the cooler temperatures of winter with a little more gusto than usual. Why is that? Could it be because your home is feeling a little more tropical than it should be?
At the end of summer, it is common to encounter some potential repair needs for your AC system. This is because your unit has been running hard all season, likely creating some wear and tear that has to be addressed.
If you have checked your thermostat and discovered your inside air temperature is closer to the air outside your front door, you are likely in need of air conditioning repair in Columbia, SC.
Dust and Dirt
Everything gets dirty, even your air conditioner. After running hard all summer there are multiple places in your cooling system that might need a little washing.
For example, your air filter could be clogged with dust and dirt after helping to keep your home clean all season. Likewise, the condenser coils located on the outside of your outdoor AC unit can collect dirt simply by being exposed to the elements. You might also have a drain that is clogged with dust and debris.
If any of these instances occur, it can affect your cooling system’s ability to run well and put it at risk of sustaining damage too.
Cleaning or replacing the air filter, or cleaning the condenser coils, will offer a solution to these issues.
Fan Trouble
You can normally hear it if you have a condenser fan or an evaporator fan that is on the fritz as this issue is characterized by a screeching noise. Problems that can arise with the fans in your AC unit include bent or broken fan blades, belt issues, or motor malfunctions.
Once a professional AC tech has diagnosed what the issue with your unit’s fan(s) is, the solution to this problem is likely as simple as replacing the broken belt or fan blade or fixing whatever is hindering the motor.
Compressor Problems
If your compressor breaks down, it means your AC won’t be cooling your home anytime soon. Because your compressor is responsible for energizing the refrigerant in your system, if it isn’t working, the refrigerant won’t be able to do its usual heat exchange.
Likewise, if you have too much or too little refrigerant, your compressor won’t be able to do its job correctly.
In either of these instances, a professional should be called to check on your compressor and replace it if needed.
Refrigerant Leak
Refrigerant is the material that allows your air conditioner to create the cool air you love so much on hot days. Also referred to as coolant, if your unit springs a refrigerant leak, it will eventually stop working properly and, in the meantime, won’t be able to cool your home efficiently.
Finding and fixing the leak, and replacing any lost coolant, is the best way to address this. However, this is best done by a trained technician.
Why a Professional Is the Best Solution
If it seems like your air conditioner is starting to share certain characteristics with an old jalopy, it is time to reach out to a professional about repairs. Retaining the services of a professional HVAC tech means ensuring your unit is getting the best diagnostic exam and repairs possible that will keep it running efficiently.
If you are in need of air conditioning repair services, contact Fulmer Heating & Cooling. With over 30 years in business, we bring you well-trained and experienced staff that will fix your problem the first time around.